Special Tables and Columns

You can set given tables and columns for the specific purpose of security and/ or distribution. Security tables and columns appear only in the dynamic member security panel in the Admin console, while distribution tables and columns are visible only when configuring data mapping distribution for publications.

Security Tables and Columns

Security tables and columns are hidden from the data model, but can be seen when configuring dynamic member security logic in the Admin console. Member Security allows admins to define security preferences for specific member elements within each hierarchy in the data model. This enables you to regulate which user roles will see which members in the hierarchy of a data model. In this scenario, member security can be set for these security tables and columns, and they can be used to build custom sets which are targeted to specified user roles using the PQL Identity functions when working from script mode.

  • Click here to learn more about security tables and columns.

Distribution Tables and Columns

Distribution tables and columns will not appear in the data model; users will not be able to use them to build queries or other logic. The distribution tables or columns will only be exposed to users when configuring dynamic data mapping distribution of publications; they will be able to use the distribution tables or columns to write a PQL expression, and dynamically distribute the publication based on that expression.

  • Click here to learn more about distribution tables and columns.

Custom Query Tables

When directly querying an SQL data source, you write SQL scripts to produce custom tables. This is a good alternative to the functionality offered by the Query node in the Data Flow, which is not supported by direct querying.

  • Click here to learn about custom query tables.